
Open Ring

Come join us for some fun as we sight-read repertoire ranging from level 2 through 6. Those interested in auditioning for a ringing ensemble must attend an Open Ring.

at the Westminster Church of the Brethren in Westminster, MD. For more information, contact the managing director at or phone 410-259-5814.


To schedule an audition or for more information, including audition requirements, contact the managing director at or phone 410-259-5814.

Ringers Workshop

The Ringer Workshop is a one day event where ringers and directors can attend classes and ring en masse to improve their ringing skills.

Handbell Artistry

Handbell Artistry was designed by Westminster Ringers, Inc. to bring the art of handbell ringing to your group. Through fun, motivating and hands-on experiences, your group will grow in the art of ringing handbells.

Topics that may be covered:

Courses for Ringers

Courses for Directors

A simple telephone call or e-mail will start the process to get the Westminster Ringers to come to your rehearsal facility. After talking with our Managing Director, the workshop will be specially tailored to meet your handbell ringing needs. Your event could include a half-day workshop or invite other handbell ensembles in your area for a full day or weekend event. This could include a full concert performance by the Westminster Ringers.